
How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection Without Seeing a Therapist in 2024

by | Dec 2, 2022

7 simple steps to calm your fears and let the real you shine!

Fear of rejection comes in many forms.  Whether you feel it going on a first date, turning in reports to your boss, speaking in public, facing up to peer pressure, or going to social events, fear of rejection can be paralyzing.

Your hands sweat or tremble.  Waves of stomach-churning nausea hit.  Your throat goes dry and it’s hard to swallow.  A headache starts to drum at your temples or behind your eyes.  You start searching for a way out. You just want to run and do anything – ANYTHING – except the task before you.

Fear of rejection can make you avoid situations, and that can cause even more problems in your life.  You know that if you could just get passed that overwhelming reaction, that dread, then your life would be different.

Maybe you’ve already tried a few things.  Perhaps you’ve dressed for success, followed someone else’s routine for getting through fearful episodes, read ‘how to’ blogs, or even considered therapy.  But that same fear keeps dogging you. You avoid your triggers every chance you get.

It feels like your fear of rejection is holding you back from the life you really want.

But fear not.

You don’t need to suffer in silence or white-knuckle your way through anymore.  And you don’t have to avoid your trigger situation for the rest of your life or spend years in therapy to find relief, either.

There is a science-based method of reducing, and even eliminating, your fear of rejection that you can learn to apply whenever you need it.

I will walk you through the science and the method, and leave you with the skills to develop your own sense of mastery over your fear of rejection.  You can free yourself and let the real you shine!

Let 2020 be the start of a new decade and a new you!  I’ll show you how, and give you examples to get your started.

Here is a Table of Contents for the post so you can see what’s ahead:

What Causes the Fear of Rejection?
Your Brain on Fear
The Roots of Rejection
You Could See A Therapist
What’s the alternative to therapy for fear of rejection?
What is EFT or “Tapping”?
How Does EFT Work?
The 7 Steps of EFT
An Example EFT “Script” for Fear of Rejection
Tapping to Release Your Fears

What Causes the Fear of Rejection?