Unblock Your Brilliance


How far can you go in ONE weekend to break through your inner glass ceiling?

V.I.P. Weekend

Very Immersive Process

What does a multiple Grammy-award winning artist, 3 Emmy-award winning television producers, two female Fortune 500 executives, hundreds of women in mid-career and dozens of conscious entrepreneurs and influencers have in common?

Despite completely different career paths, personality styles and net worth, when they were doing well but knew they could do better, they called Catherine.

You see, each of these clients had bumped up against her own internal glass ceiling, some invisible barrier – call it limited mindset, self-doubt, or a self-imposed success set point – and turned to Catherine for guidance.

And got exactly that.

Catherine is the first to say that she has good questions while it is her clients who hold the keys to important answers.

What makes working with Catherine so different is that she considers herself your partner, not an inaccessible teacher. More ally, less fixer. And you? You’re more the authority on you. She’s there to learn all she can about you. And as she does, she’ll help you to see things more clearly, to pinpoint exactly where your internal glass ceiling is and how to break free of it.

The VIP Weekend is the fastest way to achieve this. For clients well-suited to the VIP – Very Immersive Process™ – experience*, the work is fast-tracked. Uninterrupted, laser-focused blocks of time are aimed toward one crucial goal: helping you release the fears that keep you stuck, stagnant and spinning in place. We all know that when we are clear-headed, we are unstoppable. Inspired and energized. Right action replaces hesitancy; inner confidence replaces insecurity.

What can take weeks or months to achieve in weekly therapy sessions can often be accomplished in one dynamic weekend!


3 hours of uninterrupted time, Saturday
3 more hours on Sunday
1-hour follow up session
(one week to 10 days later)
1-hour post follow up 3 months later

Now accepting bookings for November 2024
Financial investment: $1850


for November weekends reserved and paid in full in October.

Find out what one weekend can do for you!

Now booking weekends in November 2024.  *brief application required.

Fill in your name & email below to be added to the waitlist.

7 + 15 =

Sure, the process of therapy is a fascinating one. But without a crystal clear direction and vision of the outcome you’re looking for, gauging progress can be tricky. And time consuming. And yes, expensive. I speak from experience. I’ve spent over $80K, out of pocket, on my own therapy over the course of many years.

During my decades-long career as a psychotherapist, I’ve discovered there’s a more efficient and practical way to feel better and do better and I’ve been practicing this one-of-a-kind formula for several years.

I believe so strongly in this approach that I am using it almost exclusively with people like you who are ready to break free of stagnation, boredom and the invisible walls that keep you from feeling fulfilled.

If fact, I am so confident and excited about the tangible results you will get during the VIP Weekend that I literally guarantee it.

If you participate fully in the Weekend, do the Saturday night assignment and commit to being as open as you can, and for some reason do not get a breakthrough, you do not pay a fee.

That’s right. If you don’t get a breakthrough – a significant opening where there was previously a block – in anything you’ve wanted to do in your life but couldn’t get yourself to do it, I will not accept a payment from you. It’s that simple.

The Fine Print

This format is best suited for the following issues:

  • unable to move forward in life due to confusion about goals
  • vague goals
  • undefined goals
  • unexplained, constant need to “hide” behind excuses
  • persistent need to give disproportionately to what you receive
  • people-pleasing
  • debilitating fear of rejection
  • difficulty setting boundaries
  • fear of getting too hopeful or excited
  • intense need to be in control
  • fear of uncertainty
  • lack of purpose in life
  • general fearfulness in having attention paid to you or standing out

The VIP Weekend format is not well-suited for the following issues:

  • Mental disorders as defined in the DSM-5, published by the American Psychiatric Association- (not the most user-friendly resource but still one of the best)
  • Suicidal thoughts or a history of suicide
  • Prior psychiatric hospitalizations

“Catherine made the atmosphere safe and reassuring. I laughed almost as much as I cried. Somehow the time flew by and the work felt easy.”

–  Mila, CT

“The price tag of the VIP Weekend was honestly a little steep for me. Although Catherine came highly recommended to me by my physician, I’d be paying out-of-pocket and was concerned about the expense. I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be worth the money.

I can say without a doubt that is was.

Working with Catherine went deeper than any therapy I have ever done (and I’ve done a lot!) and was so interesting. Whereas I have always been nervous in therapy, I guess afraid to feel my feelings, Catherine took me through steps that completely surprised me. I wasn’t nervous about feeling my emotions at all. In fact, I felt good about being able to feel them. Anyone who knows me knows what a huge deal this is. Her kindness, honesty and humanness made me feel safe. She laughed at herself which in turn made me laugh at myself. This was truly a first.”


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Catherine Duca takes us beneath the psychological masks we wear, such as people-pleasing, over-apologizing, and fixing others, and leads us toward a clearer, more confident relationship with ourselves and others.

You’re ready to Step Out with your talents and gifts … and Shine, easily and authentically.  Now is your time!



To show up in the world as your truest and best self, you’ll need a few things first.



I’m guessing you’re here because you know, deep in your bones, there is so much more to you than you show to the world: more passion, more purpose, more good ideas and a voice that has something to say. Like most people, you want to move forward with your life, feel happy and create an impact. Yet, an invisible wall is holding you back, some unidentified block that prevents you from stepping out and being seen. If you only knew what that “something” was, you would be one major step closer to shining brilliantly!



We all know what happens when something holds us back from participating in life as fully as we’re meant to: the first thing that suffers is our confidence. Rather than live in color, we allow ourselves to become beige. We might play small, avoid opportunities, and forget to show up on our own priority list. Imagine if the opposite were true and you felt completely confident to use your voice and be yourself! Who would you be if you knew exactly what was in your way and learned the # 1 most important thing you could do to move forward?



Everyone knows it’s hard to succeed if your mind is racing or preoccupied. Once you learn to pace your thoughts and reduce inner tension, creativity, problem-solving, and expanded awareness can flow freely. You’ll see mindset shifts you may never have thought possible. Rather than run on (and be run by) adrenaline, you will have the clarity and the confidence to evaluate situations, know what you need, and take steps that are constructive and forward-thinking. If you’re ready to say good-bye to unwanted patterns of foggy thinking and self-doubt, let a calmer mind take you there!

Not sure where to begin?

“Catherine, with her gentle style, gave me clear insight into my struggles, perspective on the family dynamics and direction on how to best move forward. She helped me to refocus my energy on myself and my wonderful girls. She also gave me the clarity and courage to accept the things I cannot change.  This has empowered me to live my BEST LIFE and to teach my girls to do the same.  Catherine is a ‘true gem’ and an absolute JOY to work with.”

– W.K., Podiatrist NY Metro area

Meet your instructor, partner, and mentor

Hello, Brilliant One! (Yes, you.)

I believe you owe it to others to love yourself. We don’t do anyone any favors by playing small, being compulsive over-givers or self-sacrificers. Even though these appear to be selfless acts, they are more in keeping with ways in which we hide our real self, dim our light and cling to the notion that self-ignoring is somehow loving. It isn’t.

“Life changing – are the words I would use to fully encapsulate my journey working with Cathy. While my experience with past therapists has been positive, Cathy is truly in a league of her own. Our sessions together have led to tremendous personal growth and more specifically have empowered me to conquer a decade-long eating disorder. My success can only be attributed to Cathy’s nurturing and patient approach, along with her unconditional positive regard for her clients. Cathy has been able to coach me through various obstacles in my life helping me to gain the insight necessary to facilitate change on my own.” 

– L.A., Northern NJ

Find out what one weekend can do for you!

Now booking weekends in November 2024.  *brief application required.

Fill in your name & email below to be added to the V.I.P. Weekend waitlist.

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